Science Research

The motivation behind my research is my passion for understanding and exploring the underwater world

At 12 years old, I fell in love with the underwater world when I started scuba diving. Exploring Monterey Bay, I became aware of the growing problem of urchin barrens in the ocean. This motivated me to embark on scientific research at the young age of 14.

My initial project involved constructing an underwater camera rig system to capture time-lapse videos of underwater organisms at depths of 40-60 ft overnight. During my freshman year of high school, I constructed a mobile ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) using PVC pipes, bilge pump motors, and pool noodle floats. Thanks to sponsorship from PoseidonROV, I was able to develop a versatile ROV capable of studying near-shore ocean ecosystems in 10th grade. I designed and engineered the ROV by incorporating advanced features and tailored capabilities to meet the unique demands of kelp ecosystem research. I also integrated survey and vacuum mission modules, enabling surveys of specific target areas and the collection of organism samples for analysis on land. This project not only ignited my passion for mechanical engineering, it also inspired me to raise awareness about ocean issues within my community.

Thank you to PoseidonROV’s sponsorship for the parts; they have been a great help in allowing Faye to design and build her own ROV. It's wonderful that the support has been an encouragement to a young scientist, and it's great that Faye has been able to learn and do something new.

My Research Dive Expeditions




